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  • 4008-838-258   


As a technique and information platform for international trading, EMTEK is pleased to help our customer understand the latest quality standards in different markets, get effective methods to avoid business lost due to quality problem, and collect more supplying and purchasing information.

"Access to the World", is not only our development target, but also the service purpose to our clients, to facilitate your business success.

For International customer service, pls contact: 

Direct Line:+86-755-26954276


EMTEK (Shenzhen)  Co., Ltd.

Add: Unit 01, 6/F, Buiding 11A, Shenzhen bay Eco-Technology Park, Keji South Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong518057, China.

Any EMTEK marked report/certificate there is convenient to check its authenticity by two ways as self-verifying since 2020:

The one, using smartphone for verifying, that means the QR code on the bottom right of issued report/certificate can be scanned out of the first page at least, consistency check to either the scanned result and held report.

The two, once a held report is being opened on the software of Adobe Reader, a light blue ribbon on the top of visible area then click the field “Signature Panel” right hand side, the validation result will be appearing on the left side of document content.

More validation request if needed, please mail to: cs.rep@emtek.com.cn



  • Tel:4008-838-258
  • Email:cs@emtek.com.cn
吴江市| 澎湖县| 大邑县| 容城县| 阿合奇县| 来凤县| 育儿| 安陆市| 新绛县| 穆棱市| 南江县| 平江县| 霸州市| 泸水县| 高台县| 元阳县| 宁都县| 阜阳市| 天台县| 卢龙县| 财经| 万山特区| 桓台县| 龙游县| 天门市| 江达县| 黑龙江省| 梁平县| 乐东| 镶黄旗| 浪卡子县| 山丹县| 金溪县| 广宁县| 观塘区| 怀仁县| 张家港市| 黎平县| 宿松县| 沂源县| 湖口县|